Farm Share CSA

Our Farm Share Community Supported Agriculture program is based around the flexibility (and fun!) of shopping at the farmers market.

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What is a CSA, anyway?

CSA stand for Community Supported Agriculture. It’s a way for farmers to get some capital early in the year to offset heavy spring costs before the season ramps up. The standard CSA program consists of a weekly share of vegetables, paid for with a lump sum. In exchange for “investing” in the farm, shareholders (or “members”) get to develop a direct relationship with their farmer, connecting more with the people who grow their food and the seasonality of local agriculture. CSA shares look expensive, but if you divide that number by the total number of weeks that you’ll be receiving food, you can see that it’s actually a very reasonable amount to be spending on fresh, local produce each week. As an additional thank you for dedicated support of the farm, there’s usually a 10-15% discount included!

Field Stone Flexibility

We’ve offered several different styles of CSA shares over our existence as a business. We started with a bagged share filled with items we chose to give out each week, but over time we built in more flexibility and choice. Eventually, we ended up at a model that combined our love for farmers markets and our love for rewarding loyal customers and developed our Market Share, a debit/credit system for shopping at our farmers market sites. We now continue to offer a smash-up:

Market Share at the Capital City Farmers Market

Shop in person at our booth on Saturdays in Montpelier using a credit system. We still get upfront cash to start our season off, and you get a reliably flexible way to browse our produce all spring, summer and fall long!

Pre-order for pickup in Riverton or at the farm

Use our online order system to select a bounty to pick up at the farm on Tuesdays, or at our pizza shop on Saturdays.

Is this CSA style right for me?

Our model focuses on allowing you the flexibility to pick and choose what – and how much – you want to eat for the week: we will encourage you to try kohlrabi, but we won’t force you to try kohlrabi (though it’s really, really good). Plus, with several ways to shop and pick up, you’re not locked in to a scheduled weekly pick-up. You can buy heavy one week, and take the next off without feeling like you’re missing out. It’s all up to you!

If you like the sound of being in the driver’s seat, then we’d be a good fit and you should sign up. If you look forward to a surprise box of veggies every week without having to make the choices yourself, having someone introduce you to fun and new things, and enjoy adhering to a schedule then maybe this style CSA isn’t right for you and that’s ok too! Central Vermont is loaded with all kinds of CSAs and the right one for you is out there.

Yes, please!

Our season runs for 26 weeks, from the beginning of May to the end of October, and once the season opens you can start shopping anytime! We’ll track your spending, and notify you monthly of where your account is at. Some folks find it helpful to record their totals as well! You are welcome to add money to your account at any time, via check. We do not offer refunds, except for in extenuating circumstances. We also ask that you use your account up by the end of the season.

There are three sizes to choose from, based off of average CSA sizes, prices, and consumer habits.

Healthy Eater: pay $300, get $330

Perfect for purchasing your salad and fixings for the week. An average of $13/week over the 26 week market period.

Healthy Appetite: pay $500, get $550

For the more dedicated shoppers out there, an average of $21/week over the 26 week market period.

Healthy Choice: you decide the amount!

Don’t see your purchasing habits in either of the two tiers above? That’s fine! Pre-buy at your amount. Anything $150 and up receives a 10% bonus.

Sign up!

If you’re interested in directly supporting Field Stone Farm and getting the best, free choice fresh produce each week fill out the full form, and then add your email below! We’d love to feed you.